Under the Companies Act, 2013 of India, strike off refers to the process of removing a company from the Register of Companies (RoC) maintained by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). This action effectively dissolves the company and removes its legal existence. The strike-off process is used when a company has ceased operations, has failed to comply with statutory requirements, or is no longer needed.
A company can be struck off the register under various circumstances:
If a private company wishes to be struck off, it can apply voluntarily, provided it meets the criteria of inactivity, and has no outstanding liabilities or assets.
In cases where a company fails to file its annual returns or financial statements for a prolonged period, the RoC can initiate the strike-off process. The procedure is as follows:
Striking off a private company under the Companies Act, 2013 provides an easier alternative to formal liquidation when the company is no longer required for business. However, it is essential that companies comply with all statutory requirements, including filing returns and clearing dues, before initiating the strike-off process. If the RoC initiates strike-off proceedings for non-compliance, the company must take immediate action to avoid dissolution.